Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Amie! (a week late)

Can you believe our sweet baby girl is now THREE years old?! I seriously have no idea how that happened? We did a lot of celebrating for her special day. We had a family party and dinner at Chili's. I took cookies in to school (and forgot the camera!). We had some of her little classmates over for a party/play date (which she LOVED!), and we had a "party" at Grandma and Papa's house (where I also forgot the camera!). It was a week long celebration of Amie!
Sharing birthday ice cream at Chili's with Leah,
Birthday cone cakes at home.
Birthday party play date
I just love this sweet, silly girl. She makes me smile a million times a day. Here are three of the 10 million things I love about my sweet girl:

She has the BEST imagination! She will play with her toys and make different voices for all of them. Usually there's a mama and a baby and the baby always needs to be rescued. For example, a shark will say in a big, low voice, "I'm going to eat you!" Then the baby fish will cry in a little baby voice, "Mama! Help me! Help me!" Then the mama says, "I'm coming! I'll save you!" It's really so funny to watch!

I love how caring and sweet she is. She really is my sweetheart! She will scream "Mom!" on the top of her lungs and then follow it with a sweet "I love you!" that just melts my heart. I love that when she's done something wrong or gets in trouble, she will ALWAYS come say, "I'm beary sorry" to whoever she's offended.

As much as it makes me crazy, I love how sneaky she is. She will often disappear into the dog room or the bathroom and get really quiet. When we go looking for her, we find her with a cookie or some candy or some other treat she isn't supposed to have. Then all she'll say is "Hi!" It makes me crazy but it's hilarious!

This is my new favorite picture of the girls. It captures their personalities SO WELL (as well as the fashion sense!) I just love these babies!