Friday, January 28, 2011

PetSmart Fun!

Today the girls and I ventured into PetSmart to look at the tree frogs. Here's the background on that... Last night we were watching Go, Diego, Go! It was an episode about rescuing tree frogs. I happened to mention to Leah that I had a tree frog when I was younger (and that I was scared to touch it and it would often jump out of it's cage). Well, she just became obsessed with the idea of getting a tree frog. So I decided to take her into the pet store to look at them, figuring she wouldn't be impressed and drop the idea. PetSmart only had one and it was hiding in a corner where Leah couldn't see it. So she still wants one.

Now here's the really funny story. When we first walk in to PetSmart, Amie makes a beeline for the fish tanks. She has her hands all over them yelling "hi fish! Hi fish!" I'm trying to convince her to talk quietly and not to touch the tanks while trying to get a hold of Leah who is frantically looking for the frogs. All of a sudden I hear Amie let out a blood-curdling scream and take off running. She's yelling "no fish! No fish!" I turn around and see her standing there with a fish flopping around on the floor at her feet. And she was hysterical! I yell for one of the workers to come scoop the poor, flopping fish off the floor, then try to comfort my poor baby who is in tears at this point. It was so funny! I thought she might have picked the fish up out of the tank, but the worker said they tend to jump out from time to time. Suicidal fish I guess? I really wish I'd had it on video- Amie's reaction was priceless!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Picture practice

Just doing a little practice uploading some pictures using the Picasa program. I can't say I really like it, but at least I'm getting some pictures on here. I'll keep trying. Also, please excuse the old pictures. I tried uploading some pictures to Picasa a while back and didn't really like it, so I haven't uploaded any more lately.

Leah LOVES milkshakes!

Amie thinks they're pretty good, too!

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An (almost) empty house

Last night we almost had the house to ourselves. Catie is away at Winter Camp with church this weekend and Leah decided to stay the night at Grandma's. My mom had taken Leah for the day yesterday so Leah could have "her turn" with Grandma. She (Leah) called me on the phone in the afternoon to see if we could eat dinner at Grandma's (her favorite thing to do!) So we went for dinner. Well, Leah decided that she wanted to sleep at Grandma's. I wasn't sure I believed her, but I had Jamie bring her things in case. When it was time to leave, I asked her if she wanted to stay. She said yes, but then started to cry. I asked her why she was crying. "I'm going to miss you, Mommy!". So I asked if she wanted to come home. Through her pouty lip and crying, she assured me that she did in fact want to stay with Grandma. It was hilarious! She was so torn over what she wanted to do. She did stay, but I think Grandma had a rough night. Leah tossed and turned all night and was burning up. Poor Grandma!

Amie didn't have the best night either. She woke up at 4 am and then again at 6:30 with a very disgusting diaper. So now we're all home and tired. Hopefully the girls will be in bed for the next 3 hours or so!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

On the band wagon

I've decided to jump on the band wagon and start a family blog. I can't promise that it's going to be the most exciting blog- life around here tends to get a little monotonous, but it will help keep us connected with family and friends. I will also try hard to incorporate some pictures, but again, no promises. The photoshop program was erased off of my computer, and I'm not very good at using new programs. But we'll see what I can do! So check in from time to time and see what we're up to!
My first attempt at adding a picture. This is from Halloween weekend at the farm. (I cannot for the life of me remember the name of that farm!)

I would also like to apologize for the lousy job and the blog design, but I've been working on it for hours and this is the best I can do. I'm computer illiterate, I can't help it!