Monday, May 6, 2013

BIG News

So I have big news to share that isn't really my news. It's my sister's news and she's made me keep it a secret for a LONG time! But now the secret's out...


She has always known that her path to motherhood would be through adoption. EIGHTEEN months ago, she started her journey. She worked with an adoption agency that specialized in special needs children, mainly those with Down's Syndrome. She wanted a baby with Down's. She had one heartache after another in the beginning (actually, pretty much through the whole process!). They would contact her about a baby, pass along her profile to the birth family, she would wait (sometimes for WEEKS!), and ultimately the baby would go to someone else. At one point, she gave her notice at work, went home and packed a suitcase, and headed to the airport. They told her there was a baby waiting for her in California, but due to a mistake, he ultimately went to someone else, too. She was heartbroken.

She decided to increase the parameters of what she was willing to take- basically any child under the age of 8 that wasn't terminally ill. And still she experienced heartache. Nothing seemed to work out for her. The weeks of waiting, child after child, really took a toll on her. Dealing with the foster care system was a nightmare! After FIFTEEN broken hearts over a year and a half of waiting in agony, she was at the point of reevaluating how she wanted to proceed. She was still determined to adopt, but thought she needed a break for the anxiety for a while.

That all changed last week...

On Monday she got the call that would forever change her life. There was a mother waiting to deliver a baby that needed a home and she had chosen Melanie! God had heard our pleas and answered our prayers!

Sunday, at 8:50, my precious nephew entered the world weighing 6 lbs, 8 oz. He had a little fluid on his lung and a medical condition they're watching, so he's hanging out in the nicu for a while, but he's doing good!

Welcome to the world baby boy! We love you so much, more than you will ever know!

I obviously can't post any pictures yet, but how sweet are those fingers!?


  1. SOOOOO awesome!! What a precious story! Can't wait to see pictures of your precious nephew!

  2. I am sending my best wishes an prayers!! This story brought me to tears. So sweet! Bless her and this new baby boy. God always answers prayers in his time! God bless this New Family!
