Friday, January 4, 2013


Wow, I am a really horrible blogger! I didn't do a single blog post in 2012. Part of the problem is I don't know how to easily post pictures onto the blog and I don't like to do a post without pictures. But I am really going to give it some effort this year- call it a New Year's resolution. I really enjoy reading other people's blogs, so I'm going to try to do at least one post a month on here. Baby steps, right? Here is a quick year-in-review from 2012. It has to be brief because I still haven't figured out the picture thing!

Leah STILL sucks her thumb and carries her blankie and string around.

Amie's still a goofy girl!

We went to the circus.

Leah turned 5!

We had a great Spring!

We spent a lot of time outside.

We had our annual Easter Egg hunt at Grandma's

Amie played soccer last spring...

but she spent more time sitting and pouting than she did playing.

Leah played soccer, too!

Buddy got his first haircut.

We spent a very cold weekend at the beach.

Amie finished her first year of preschool.

Leah GRADUATED from preschool!

She had her first sleepover with her BFF from preschool

Leah learned to swim!

My baby started kindergarten!

Amie started the 3's class at preschool.

Leah rode the bus for the 1st time.

Papa built the girls and tree house AND let them paint it!

AND he hung a tire swing!

We went to trunk-or-treat.

We celebrated Daddy's birthday.

Amie was in the Thanksgiving program at preschool.

Leah's GS troop was in the Christmas parade and we ALL got to ride on the float!

We saw Santa at Christmas VBS!

Amie turned 4!

She had a Princess and the Frog cake.

We had a Christmas party at Paw Paw Freddie's.

And had a nice, quiet Christmas at home.

Catie turned 15!

She partied all day for her birthday!
Ok, so it was more than a few pictures, but I think I finally got the hang of it! I just need to figure out how to move the pictures around now. Happy New Year everybody! Keep checking back for more updates!

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