Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Review

Ok, I am really not very good at this whole blogging thing! I've barely updated all summer and now the girls are getting ready to go back to school! We've had a pretty good summer. We've spent a lot of time at the pool, been to the beach, and made a trip up to NY to visit my relatives for the first time in 4 years! The girls did GREAT on the trip! They handled the 11 hour car ride like troopers. Now the summer is winding up. I took Catie to her open house today and she starts school on Thursday. The girls go to their open house next Thursday (Amie, too!) and start the following Tuesday after Labor day. Leah started her cheerleading practice last night and cheers for her first game on Saturday (at 8:30 in the morning)! We're still debating on starting them in dance. There's an open house this weekend and then we'll decide. I promise to update more in the future!
Catie working on her sandcastle

Amie posing

Leah with her seaweed.
Leah's first cheer practice

Amie's first dentist visit (she did great, I promise!)
And here's a little glimps into our every day routine around here:
 A little cartoon watching with breakfast to start our day.
Maybe a little laundry

Give Mommy a little attitude!
Leah's puts on her first outfit of the day.
Decorate the walls (in outfit #2)
Model outfit #3 complete with dress shoes and SOCKS!
Try our best to drive Mommy absolutely crazy!

Refuse to take a nap (aka "drive Mommy crazy") then fall asleep naked on the couch at dinner time.

Help Mommy cook/bake/taste/ make a mess in the kitchen.

Be all sweet when we're ready for bed!

I promise Leah actually changes her clothes half a dozen times in a day. And, for whatever reason, they have decided to start sleeping in their underwear. I think it's a conspiracy to make me lose my mind! At least it's never a dull moment around here!

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